Happy New Year, from your friendly podiatrist in Canary Wharf!
If you spend ten minutes reading this article, I believe you will have a good grasp of the basics of how to care for your feet. Believe me, in my years of working as a podiatrist in Canary Wharf, I‘ve seen plenty of people who don't know how to take care of their feet!
1) Buy the right size shoes
This is a perennial problem, and one that, as a professional podiatrist in Canary Wharf, I always see after the Christmas party season and the New Year's Eve celebrations. People often don unfamiliar new formal shoes or wear extra-high heels that are designed more for aesthetics than for functionality.
My advice, as a professional podiatrist in Canary Wharf, is to go for the right fit over anything, including how a shoe looks to other people.
2) Keep your feet dry and clean
As a podiatrist in Canary Wharf one of the problems I treat every single winter, without fail, is the typical fungal foot condition, often caused by exposure to adverse weather conditions. Wash your feet regularly, and don't wear wet shoes if you have another pair you can wear.
3) Combat corns and calluses early
I advise, as a podiatrist in Canary Wharf, that you use a pumice stone or file on the hard skin on your feet after. The best time to do this is after showering or bathing. Through my work as a podiatrist in Canary Wharf I always advocate that prevention is better than cure.
4) Cut your toenails carefully, and straight across
Ingrown toenails are the bain of many people's lives, and a foot condition I often treat as a podiatrist in Canary Wharf. To avoid ingrown toenails, cut your toenails carefully to avoid jagged edges. Bear in mind that rounded corners on the edge of the nail are more likely to grow into the skin, something I see often in my work as a podiatrist in Canary Wharf.
5) Wear shower sandals to avoid plantar warts
Plantar warts, usually found on the sole of the foot, look like a little piece of cauliflower with tiny dark spots, often caught by walking barefoot in the locker room.
As a podiatrist in Canary Wharf I am able to treat this condition if you are unlucky enough to be affected by it.
Feet by Pody is Nicolas Ivanoff's clinic in Canary Wharf. He is a podiatrist in Canary Wharf registered by The Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) and a member of the Society of Chiropodist and Podiatrist (MChs).
Nicolas Ivanoff is a podiatrist in Canary Wharf with other clinics in EC2 and Woolwich
To find out more about this podiatrist in Canary Wharf, please visit www.feetbypody.com or phone 07907 456 846 and 0207 099 6657. Alternatively e-mail nicolas@feetbypody.com